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Family and Features

March 01, 2008

How did tap lessons turn Jo Kessel, husband, Marc, and their five year-old twins into a Brady Bunch chorus line?

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December 12, 2008

There’s not a speck of snow in sight. Sheep graze in the nearby field, a reminder that this is Essex, not Lapland. And whilst it isn’t the most authentic of Santa settings, that’s exactly who we’ve come to meet. Not in a grotto, but on a train...Continue reading

February 20, 2009

I'm in a Gloucester forest, axe raised to shoulder height, staring at a tree. "Come on, Jo, give it a go," encourages instructor Paul. So I give it a go, slicing the blade into the trunk, and before I know it timid hacks have progressed into thwacking, mighty chops, until...Continue reading

August 30, 2011

Jo Kessel and her children run away and join the circus – and get a serious workout at the same time...Continue reading

April 10, 2011

We’re standing on a muddy track, hemmed in by gorse bushes, staring each other out. My adversary’s glossy eyeballs bulge out of their sockets like chocolate eggs. He flares a nostril and lifts his upper lip defiantly.

This scene broadly resembles a marital tiff. Problem is...Continue reading

September 14, 2007

With twins starting at Big School, Jo Kessel doubles up on her angst

'Mummy, Mummy," the twins chorused. "When can we go and buy our lunch boxes for Big School?" Continue reading

May 02, 2008

It's too easy for busy mums to slob out in shapeless clothes but, says Jo Kessel, it needn't be that way

What do Gwyneth Paltrow, Victoria Beckham and Jemima Goldsmith have in common? Continue Reading

October 24, 2010

Autumn is the best time to go hunting for mushrooms. Jo Kessel takes her family out for a forage and learns how to spot the friendly from the deadly...Continue reading

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